cricket bat importers


Cricketbat Importers and Exporters in India

A specialized piece of equipment used by batsman in the sport of cricket to hit the ball , typically consisting of a can handle attached to a flat-fronted Willow -Wood blade. Bats are available in range of sizes, with some manufacturers offering unique variations. Commonly found are children's and adult sizes. The SS professional bat we are providing is available in different sizes according to the ages( 4yrs-14yrs) and with the highlights like it comes with a cover and blade made of English willow.


SS MASTER English Willow Cricket Bat.
SS MASTER 2000 English Willow Cricket Bat. 1.160 – 1.200 kg.
SS SUPREMO English Willow Cricket Bat. 1.180 – 1.250 kg.
SS PREMIUM English Willow Cricket Bat. 0.880 – 0.1020 kg.

Professional Cricket Bats